
160 lines
4.4 KiB

echo "+===============================+"
echo "| Kalle's Arch Installer Script |"
echo "+===============================+"
# Early setup
# Ping my server to check network.
ping -c 1 > /dev/null
# Check if the ping was successful. If it was not inform the user and exit.
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "[!] You do not seem to have a network connect. Please establish one first."
echo ""
echo "[?] For wireless networks you can use the 'iwctl' command to establish a connection."
exit 1
# Enable NTP to sync system time.
timedatectl set-ntp true
# Partitioning
echo "+================================+"
echo "| Partitioning |"
echo "+================================+"
# Print a list of block devices.
echo "[?] Above is a list of block devices found on the system. Please choose the one that you want to use for this installation."
echo "[?] Or enter manual to drop to a shell for manual partitioning."
read -p "[/dev/sda,/dev/nvme0n1,manual,etc] " disk_base
# Check for manual mode and drop them into a shell.
if [ $disk_base == "manual" ]; then
echo "[?] Make sure to also mount the full file structure under the /mnt directory."
echo "[?] Good luck! Type exit to return to the installer."
ls $disk_base > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "[!] Device $disk_base does not exist."
exit 1
# Make sure that the user wants to erase the full disk.
read -p "[!] This will destroy all data on device $disk_base! Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] " confirmation
# If they are not exit.
if [ $confirmation != "y" ]; then
echo "[?] Goodbye! :)"
exit 0
echo "[?] Creating GPT"
# Create a new GPT.
parted $disk_base -- mklabel gpt
# Get the size of swap to use.
read -p "[?] How large do you want your swap to be? [GiB] " swap_size
# Create partitions.
echo "[?] Creating partitions."
# Create the root partition.
parted $disk_base -- mkpart primary 512MiB -"$swap_size"GiB
# Create the swap partition.
parted $disk_base -- mkpart primary linux-swap -"$swap_size"GiB 100%
# Create the EFI partition.
parted $disk_base -- mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 512MiB
parted $disk_base -- set 3 esp on
# Get the partition prefix from the user.
echo "[?] What prefix should be used for partitions? For HDDs and SATA SSDs this is probably the same as the device you selected earlier."
echo "[?] For nvme SSDs it will most likely be something like /dev/nvme0n1p"
read -p "[?] " partition_base
# Create filesystems.
echo "[?] Creating file systems. This might take a while."
# Create root filesystem.
mkfs.ext4 -L Arch "$partition_base"1
# Create swap.
mkswap -L swap "$partition_base"2
# Create EFI filesystem.
mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot "$partition_base"3
# Mount filesystems.
mount "$partition_base"1 /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/boot
mount "$partition_base"3 /mnt/boot
# And turn on swap
swapon "$partition_base"2
# Package installation
echo "[?] Installing packages using pacstrap. This will take quite a bit of time."
echo "[?] Go get a cup of thee or something."
sleep 5
# Use pacstrap to install all packages from the packages file.
pacstrap /mnt `cat packages`
echo "[?] Package installation done. Generating /etc/fstab now."
# Generate fstab.
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# Chroot part
echo "[?] Package installation is done. Please enter a couple bits of information about your system."
read time_zone -p "What timezone? [Europe/Amsterdam] "
read locale -p "What locale? [en_US.UTF-8] "
read hostname -p "What hostname? [arch] "
read cpu_vendor -p "What cpu vendor? [intel/amd]"
echo "[?] Starting work in chroot now."
echo "
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$time_zone /etc/localtime
hwclock --systohc
echo \"$locale UTF-8\" > /etc/locale.gen
echo \"LANG=$locale\" > /etc/locale.conf
echo \"$hostname\" > /etc/hostname
echo \" localhost
::1 localhost $hostname\" > /etc/hosts
echo \"[!] Please set your root password below\"
bootctl install
mkdir -p /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
echo \"[Trigger]
Type = Package
Operation = Upgrade
Target = systemd
Description = Updating systemd-boot
When = PostTransaction
Exec = /usr/bin/bootctl update\" > /etc/pacman.d/hooks/100-systemd-boot.hook
pacman -Sy \"$cpu_vendor\"-ucode
" > arch-chroot /mnt