diff --git a/nvim/init.lua b/nvim/init.lua index d93212e..ba28d88 100644 --- a/nvim/init.lua +++ b/nvim/init.lua @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ vim.opt.mouse = 'a' vim.opt.undodir = vim.fn.expand('~/.cache/vim/undo') vim.opt.listchars = 'tab:▸ ,extends:❯,precedes:❮' +vim.opt.number = true vim.opt.relativenumber = true vim.opt.list = true diff --git a/nvim/old/colors/dracula.vim b/nvim/old/colors/dracula.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 82e3cb2..0000000 --- a/nvim/old/colors/dracula.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,351 +0,0 @@ -" Dracula Theme: {{{ -" -" https://github.com/zenorocha/dracula-theme -" -" Copyright 2016, All rights reserved -" -" Code licensed under the MIT license -" http://zenorocha.mit-license.org -" -" @author Trevor Heins <@heinst> -" @author Éverton Ribeiro -" @author Derek Sifford -" @author Zeno Rocha -scriptencoding utf8 -" }}} - -" Configuration: {{{ - -if v:version > 580 - highlight clear - if exists('syntax_on') - syntax reset - endif -endif - -let g:colors_name = 'dracula' - -if !(has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors) && !has('gui_running') && &t_Co != 256 - finish -endif - -" Palette: {{{2 - -let s:fg = ['#F8F8F2', 255] - -let s:bglighter = ['#424450', 238] -let s:bglight = ['#343746', 237] -let s:bg = ['#282A36', 236] -let s:bgdark = ['#21222C', 235] -let s:bgdarker = ['#191A21', 234] - -let s:subtle = ['#424450', 238] - -let s:selection = ['#44475A', 239] -let s:comment = ['#6272A4', 61] -let s:cyan = ['#8BE9FD', 117] -let s:green = ['#50FA7B', 84] -let s:orange = ['#FFB86C', 215] -let s:pink = ['#FF79C6', 212] -let s:purple = ['#BD93F9', 141] -let s:red = ['#FF5555', 203] -let s:yellow = ['#F1FA8C', 228] - -let s:none = ['NONE', 'NONE'] - -let g:dracula_palette = { - \ 'fg': s:fg, - \ 'bg': s:bg, - \ 'selection': s:selection, - \ 'comment': s:comment, - \ 'cyan': s:cyan, - \ 'green': s:green, - \ 'orange': s:orange, - \ 'pink': s:pink, - \ 'purple': s:purple, - \ 'red': s:red, - \ 'yellow': s:yellow, - \ - \ 'bglighter': s:bglighter, - \ 'bglight': s:bglight, - \ 'bgdark': s:bgdark, - \ 'bgdarker': s:bgdarker, - \ 'subtle': s:subtle, - \} - -if has('nvim') - let g:terminal_color_0 = '#21222C' - let g:terminal_color_1 = '#FF5555' - let g:terminal_color_2 = '#50FA7B' - let g:terminal_color_3 = '#F1FA8C' - let g:terminal_color_4 = '#BD93F9' - let g:terminal_color_5 = '#FF79C6' - let g:terminal_color_6 = '#8BE9FD' - let g:terminal_color_7 = '#F8F8F2' - let g:terminal_color_8 = '#6272A4' - let g:terminal_color_9 = '#FF6E6E' - let g:terminal_color_10 = '#69FF94' - let g:terminal_color_11 = '#FFFFA5' - let g:terminal_color_12 = '#D6ACFF' - let g:terminal_color_13 = '#FF92DF' - let g:terminal_color_14 = '#A4FFFF' - let g:terminal_color_15 = '#FFFFFF' -endif - -if has('terminal') - let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [ - \ '#21222C', '#FF5555', '#50FA7B', '#F1FA8C', - \ '#BD93F9', '#FF79C6', '#8BE9FD', '#F8F8F2', - \ '#6272A4', '#FF6E6E', '#69FF94', '#FFFFA5', - \ '#D6ACFF', '#FF92DF', '#A4FFFF', '#FFFFFF' - \] -endif - -" }}}2 -" User Configuration: {{{2 - -if !exists('g:dracula_bold') - let g:dracula_bold = 1 -endif - -if !exists('g:dracula_italic') - let g:dracula_italic = 1 -endif - -if !exists('g:dracula_underline') - let g:dracula_underline = 1 -endif - -if !exists('g:dracula_undercurl') && g:dracula_underline != 0 - let g:dracula_undercurl = 1 -endif - -if !exists('g:dracula_inverse') - let g:dracula_inverse = 1 -endif - -if !exists('g:dracula_colorterm') - let g:dracula_colorterm = 1 -endif - -"}}}2 -" Script Helpers: {{{2 - -let s:attrs = { - \ 'bold': g:dracula_bold == 1 ? 'bold' : 0, - \ 'italic': g:dracula_italic == 1 ? 'italic' : 0, - \ 'underline': g:dracula_underline == 1 ? 'underline' : 0, - \ 'undercurl': g:dracula_undercurl == 1 ? 'undercurl' : 0, - \ 'inverse': g:dracula_inverse == 1 ? 'inverse' : 0, - \} - -function! s:h(scope, fg, ...) " bg, attr_list, special - let l:fg = copy(a:fg) - let l:bg = get(a:, 1, ['NONE', 'NONE']) - - let l:attr_list = filter(get(a:, 2, ['NONE']), 'type(v:val) == 1') - let l:attrs = len(l:attr_list) > 0 ? join(l:attr_list, ',') : 'NONE' - - " Falls back to coloring foreground group on terminals because - " nearly all do not support undercurl - let l:special = get(a:, 3, ['NONE', 'NONE']) - if l:special[0] !=# 'NONE' && l:fg[0] ==# 'NONE' && !has('gui_running') - let l:fg[0] = l:special[0] - let l:fg[1] = l:special[1] - endif - - let l:hl_string = [ - \ 'highlight', a:scope, - \ 'guifg=' . l:fg[0], 'ctermfg=' . l:fg[1], - \ 'guibg=' . l:bg[0], 'ctermbg=' . l:bg[1], - \ 'gui=' . l:attrs, 'cterm=' . l:attrs, - \ 'guisp=' . l:special[0], - \] - - execute join(l:hl_string, ' ') -endfunction - -function! s:Background() - if g:dracula_colorterm || has('gui_running') - return s:bg - else - return s:none - endif -endfunction - -"}}}2 -" Dracula Highlight Groups: {{{2 - -call s:h('DraculaBgLight', s:none, s:bglight) -call s:h('DraculaBgLighter', s:none, s:bglighter) -call s:h('DraculaBgDark', s:none, s:bgdark) -call s:h('DraculaBgDarker', s:none, s:bgdarker) - -call s:h('DraculaFg', s:fg) -call s:h('DraculaFgUnderline', s:fg, s:none, [s:attrs.underline]) -call s:h('DraculaFgBold', s:fg, s:none, [s:attrs.bold]) - -call s:h('DraculaComment', s:comment) -call s:h('DraculaCommentBold', s:comment, s:none, [s:attrs.bold]) - -call s:h('DraculaSelection', s:none, s:selection) - -call s:h('DraculaSubtle', s:subtle) - -call s:h('DraculaCyan', s:cyan) -call s:h('DraculaCyanItalic', s:cyan, s:none, [s:attrs.italic]) - -call s:h('DraculaGreen', s:green) -call s:h('DraculaGreenBold', s:green, s:none, [s:attrs.bold]) -call s:h('DraculaGreenItalic', s:green, s:none, [s:attrs.italic]) -call s:h('DraculaGreenItalicUnderline', s:green, s:none, [s:attrs.italic, s:attrs.underline]) - -call s:h('DraculaOrange', s:orange) -call s:h('DraculaOrangeBold', s:orange, s:none, [s:attrs.bold]) -call s:h('DraculaOrangeItalic', s:orange, s:none, [s:attrs.italic]) -call s:h('DraculaOrangeBoldItalic', s:orange, s:none, [s:attrs.bold, s:attrs.italic]) -call s:h('DraculaOrangeInverse', s:bg, s:orange) - -call s:h('DraculaPink', s:pink) -call s:h('DraculaPinkItalic', s:pink, s:none, [s:attrs.italic]) - -call s:h('DraculaPurple', s:purple) -call s:h('DraculaPurpleBold', s:purple, s:none, [s:attrs.bold]) -call s:h('DraculaPurpleItalic', s:purple, s:none, [s:attrs.italic]) - -call s:h('DraculaRed', s:red) -call s:h('DraculaRedInverse', s:fg, s:red) - -call s:h('DraculaYellow', s:yellow) -call s:h('DraculaYellowItalic', s:yellow, s:none, [s:attrs.italic]) - -call s:h('DraculaError', s:red, s:none, [], s:red) - -call s:h('DraculaErrorLine', s:none, s:none, [s:attrs.undercurl], s:red) -call s:h('DraculaWarnLine', s:none, s:none, [s:attrs.undercurl], s:orange) -call s:h('DraculaInfoLine', s:none, s:none, [s:attrs.undercurl], s:cyan) - -call s:h('DraculaTodo', s:cyan, s:none, [s:attrs.bold, s:attrs.inverse]) -call s:h('DraculaSearch', s:green, s:none, [s:attrs.inverse]) -call s:h('DraculaBoundary', s:comment, s:bgdark) -call s:h('DraculaLink', s:cyan, s:none, [s:attrs.underline]) - -call s:h('DraculaDiffChange', s:orange, s:none) -call s:h('DraculaDiffText', s:bg, s:orange) -call s:h('DraculaDiffDelete', s:red, s:bgdark) - -" }}}2 - -" }}} -" User Interface: {{{ - -set background=dark - -" Required as some plugins will overwrite -call s:h('Normal', s:fg, s:Background()) -call s:h('StatusLine', s:none, s:bglighter, [s:attrs.bold]) -call s:h('StatusLineNC', s:none, s:bglight) -call s:h('StatusLineTerm', s:none, s:bglighter, [s:attrs.bold]) -call s:h('StatusLineTermNC', s:none, s:bglight) -call s:h('WildMenu', s:bg, s:purple, [s:attrs.bold]) -call s:h('CursorLine', s:none, s:subtle) - -hi! link ColorColumn DraculaBgDark -hi! link CursorColumn DraculaBgDark -hi! link CursorLineNr DraculaYellow -hi! link DiffAdd DraculaGreen -hi! link DiffAdded DiffAdd -hi! link DiffChange DraculaDiffChange -hi! link DiffDelete DraculaDiffDelete -hi! link DiffRemoved DiffDelete -hi! link DiffText DraculaDiffText -hi! link Directory DraculaPurpleBold -hi! link ErrorMsg DraculaRedInverse -hi! link FoldColumn DraculaSubtle -hi! link Folded DraculaBoundary -hi! link IncSearch DraculaOrangeInverse -hi! link LineNr DraculaComment -hi! link MoreMsg DraculaFgBold -hi! link NonText DraculaSubtle -hi! link Pmenu DraculaBgDark -hi! link PmenuSbar DraculaBgDark -hi! link PmenuSel DraculaSelection -hi! link PmenuThumb DraculaSelection -hi! link Question DraculaFgBold -hi! link Search DraculaSearch -hi! link SignColumn DraculaComment -hi! link TabLine DraculaBoundary -hi! link TabLineFill DraculaBgDarker -hi! link TabLineSel Normal -hi! link Title DraculaGreenBold -hi! link VertSplit DraculaBoundary -hi! link Visual DraculaSelection -hi! link VisualNOS Visual -hi! link WarningMsg DraculaOrangeInverse - -" }}} -" Syntax: {{{ - -" Required as some plugins will overwrite -call s:h('MatchParen', s:green, s:none, [s:attrs.underline]) -call s:h('Conceal', s:comment, s:bglight) - -" Neovim uses SpecialKey for escape characters only. Vim uses it for that, plus whitespace. -if has('nvim') - hi! link SpecialKey DraculaRed -else - hi! link SpecialKey DraculaSubtle -endif - -hi! link Comment DraculaComment -hi! link Underlined DraculaFgUnderline -hi! link Todo DraculaTodo - -hi! link Error DraculaError -hi! link SpellBad DraculaErrorLine -hi! link SpellLocal DraculaWarnLine -hi! link SpellCap DraculaInfoLine -hi! link SpellRare DraculaInfoLine - -hi! link Constant DraculaPurple -hi! link String DraculaYellow -hi! link Character DraculaPink -hi! link Number Constant -hi! link Boolean Constant -hi! link Float Constant - -hi! link Identifier DraculaFg -hi! link Function DraculaGreen - -hi! link Statement DraculaPink -hi! link Conditional DraculaPink -hi! link Repeat DraculaPink -hi! link Label DraculaPink -hi! link Operator DraculaPink -hi! link Keyword DraculaPink -hi! link Exception DraculaPink - -hi! link PreProc DraculaPink -hi! link Include DraculaPink -hi! link Define DraculaPink -hi! link Macro DraculaPink -hi! link PreCondit DraculaPink -hi! link StorageClass DraculaPink -hi! link Structure DraculaPink -hi! link Typedef DraculaPink - -hi! link Type DraculaCyanItalic - -hi! link Delimiter DraculaFg - -hi! link Special DraculaPink -hi! link SpecialComment DraculaCyanItalic -hi! link Tag DraculaCyan -hi! link helpHyperTextJump DraculaLink -hi! link helpCommand DraculaPurple -hi! link helpExample DraculaGreen -hi! link helpBacktick Special - -"}}} - -" vim: fdm=marker ts=2 sts=2 sw=2: diff --git a/nvim/old/ftdetect/paret.vim b/nvim/old/ftdetect/paret.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 9dbe390..0000000 --- a/nvim/old/ftdetect/paret.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -au BufRead,BufNewFile *.paret set filetype=paret diff --git a/nvim/old/init.vim b/nvim/old/init.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 4fc4df7..0000000 --- a/nvim/old/init.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,243 +0,0 @@ -" Set the leader key before plugin initialization. -let g:mapleader="\" - -" Make sure plugins cant use space as a keymapping. -nnoremap -xnoremap - -" -"General vim config--------------------- -" -set number relativenumber " Pretty line numbers -set mouse=a " I like the mouse -set clipboard=unnamedplus " Use system clipboard - -" Enable persistent undo so that undo history persists across vim sessions -set undofile -set undodir=~/.vim/undo - -" Nice tabs -set list lcs=tab:\|- -set tabstop=4 -set softtabstop=4 -set expandtab -set shiftwidth=4 -set smarttab - -" Colors---------------------------------- -syntax enable " Syntax highlighting -colorscheme dracula " Use the dracula colorscheme -set termguicolors " Enable full color support in terminal - -" vim-buffet -function! g:BuffetSetCustomColors() - hi! BuffetCurrentBuffer guibg=#2B899D guifg=#FFFFFF - hi! BuffetActiveBuffer guibg=#191A21 guifg=#8BE9FD - hi! BuffetBuffer guibg=#191A21 guifg=#FFFFFF - hi! BuffetTrunc guibg=#21222C guifg=#FFFFFF - hi! BuffetTab guibg=#7D53B9 guifg=#FFFFFF -endfunction -" -"Plugin Config---------------------------- -" -let g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings = 0 -let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1 - -" Spaceline -let g:spaceline_seperate_style= 'arrow' -let g:spaceline_colorscheme = 'space' - -" vim-buffet -let g:buffet_tab_icon = "" -let g:buffet_powerline_separators = 1 -let g:buffet_tab_icon = "\uf00a" -let g:buffet_left_trunc_icon = "\uf0a8" -let g:buffet_right_trunc_icon = "\uf0a9" - -" vim-which-key -let g:which_key_map = {} -let g:which_key_map.1 = 'Select window 1' -let g:which_key_map.2 = 'Select window 2' -let g:which_key_map.3 = 'Select window 3' -let g:which_key_map.4 = 'Select window 4' -let g:which_key_map.5 = 'Select window 5' -let g:which_key_map.6 = 'Select window 6' -let g:which_key_map.7 = 'Select window 7' -let g:which_key_map.8 = 'Select window 8' -let g:which_key_map.9 = 'Select window 9' -let g:which_key_map.0 = 'Select window 10' -let g:which_key_map.c = 'Toggle comment' -let g:which_key_map.n = 'Open file tree' -let g:which_key_map.j = "Open any jump" -let g:which_key_map.w = "Close current tab" -let g:which_key_map.f = "Clap" -let g:which_key_map.r = "Toggle rainbow highlighting" -let g:which_key_map.g = {'name': "+grammarous"} -let g:which_key_map.g.c = "Check" -let g:which_key_map.g.r = "Reset" - -" any-jump -let g:any_jump_disable_default_keybindings = 1 - -" vim-markdown -let g:vim_markdown_folding_level = 1 -let g:vim_markdown_folding_style_pythonic = 1 -let g:vim_markdown_frontmatter = 1 -let g:vim_markdown_auto_insert_bullets = 1 -let g:vim_markdown_new_list_item_indent = 0 -let g:vim_markdown_conceal_code_blocks = 0 -let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 0 -let g:vim_markdown_strikethrough = 1 -let g:vim_markdown_edit_url_in = 'vsplit' -let g:vim_markdown_fenced_languages = [ - \ 'c++=cpp', - \ 'viml=vim', - \ 'bash=sh', - \ 'ini=dosini', - \ 'js=javascript', - \ 'json=javascript', - \ 'jsx=javascriptreact', - \ 'tsx=typescriptreact', - \ 'docker=Dockerfile', - \ 'makefile=make', - \ 'py=python' - \ ] - -" rainbow -let g:rainbow_active = 1 - -" vimtex -let g:tex_flavor = 'latex' -let g:vimtex_compiler_latexmk = { - \ 'build_dir' : 'build', - \ 'options' : [ - \ '-pdf', - \ '-shell-escape', - \ '-verbose', - \ '-file-line-error', - \ '-synctex=1', - \ '-interaction=nonstopmode', - \ ], - \} - -"dein Scripts----------------------------- -if &compatible - set nocompatible " Be iMproved -endif - -" Required: -set runtimepath+=/home/kalle/.local/share/dein/repos/github.com/Shougo/dein.vim - -" Required: -if dein#load_state('/home/kalle/.local/share/dein') - call dein#begin('/home/kalle/.local/share/dein') - - " Let dein manage dein Required: - call dein#add('/home/kalle/.local/share/dein/repos/github.com/Shougo/dein.vim') - - " Add or remove your plugins here like this: - call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet.vim') - call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet-snippets') - call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim') - call dein#add('Shougo/neco-syntax') - call dein#add('tbodt/deoplete-tabnine', { 'build': './install.sh' }) - call dein#add('preservim/nerdcommenter') - call dein#add('ryanoasis/vim-devicons') - call dein#add('hardcoreplayers/spaceline.vim') - call dein#add('bagrat/vim-buffet') - call dein#add('liuchengxu/vim-which-key') - call dein#add('editorconfig/editorconfig-vim') - call dein#add('preservim/nerdtree') - call dein#add('pechorin/any-jump.vim') - call dein#add('liuchengxu/vim-clap') - call dein#add('rhysd/accelerated-jk') - call dein#add('t9md/vim-choosewin') - call dein#add('junegunn/vim-easy-align') - call dein#add('simnalamburt/vim-mundo') - call dein#add('plasticboy/vim-markdown') - call dein#add('luochen1990/rainbow') - call dein#add('rhysd/vim-grammarous') - call dein#add('dag/vim-fish') - call dein#add('lervag/vimtex') - call dein#add('calculuswhiz/vim-GAS-x86_64-highlighter') - - " Required: - call dein#end() - call dein#save_state() -endif - -" Required: -filetype plugin indent on -filetype plugin on -syntax enable - -" If you want to install not installed plugins on startup. -if dein#check_install() - call dein#install() -endif - -"End dein Scripts------------------------- - -call which_key#register('', "g:which_key_map") - -call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'input_patterns', { - \ 'tex': g:vimtex#re#deoplete - \}) - -"Auto commands --------------------------- -au User VimtexEventInitPost call vimtex#compiler#start() -" -"Keymappings ----------------------------- -" -" General -nnoremap w :b#bd# - -" NERDCommenter -nnoremap c :call NERDComment("n", "Toggle") -xnoremap c :call NERDComment("x", "Toggle") - -" vim-buffet -nmap 1 BuffetSwitch(1) -nmap 2 BuffetSwitch(2) -nmap 3 BuffetSwitch(3) -nmap 4 BuffetSwitch(4) -nmap 5 BuffetSwitch(5) -nmap 6 BuffetSwitch(6) -nmap 7 BuffetSwitch(7) -nmap 8 BuffetSwitch(8) -nmap 9 BuffetSwitch(9) -nmap 0 BuffetSwitch(10) - -" vim-which-key -nnoremap :WhichKey '' - -" NERDTree -nnoremap n :NERDTreeToggle - -" any-jump -nnoremap j :AnyJump -xnoremap j :AnyJumpVisual - -" clap -nnoremap f :Clap - -" accelerated-jk -nmap j (accelerated_jk_gj) -nmap k (accelerated_jk_gk) - -" vim-choosewin -nmap - (choosewin) - -" vim-easy-align -xmap ga (EasyAlign) -nmap ga (EasyAlign) - -" vim-mundo" -nnoremap :MundoToggle - -" rainbow -nnoremap r :RainbowToggle - -" grammarous -nnoremap gc :GrammarousCheck -nnoremap gr :GrammarousReset diff --git a/nvim/old/syntax/paret.vim b/nvim/old/syntax/paret.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 4f7810e..0000000 --- a/nvim/old/syntax/paret.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -" Vim syntax file -" Language: Paret -" Maintainer: Kalle Struik -" Latest Revision: 17 March 2022 - -if exists("b:current_syntax") - finish -endif - -" Binary builtins -syn keyword paretBinaryBuiltins '+' '*' '-' and or num= num< num> cons -" Unary builtins -syn keyword paretBinaryBuiltins not head tail is-nil is-list -" Variable size builtins -syn keyword paretVariableBuiltins list -" Misc builtins -syn keyword paretMiscBuiltins if lambda let letrec - - -" Number constants -syn match paretNumber '\d\+' -" Boolean constants -syn keyword paretBoolean true false -" Nil constants -syn keyword paretNil nil - - -let b:current_syntax = "paret" - -hi def link paretBinaryBuiltins Statement -hi def link paretUnaryBuiltins Statement -hi def link paretVariableBuiltins Statement -hi def link paretMiscBuiltins Statement - -hi def link paretNumber Constant -hi def link paretBoolean Constant -hi def link paretNil Constant diff --git a/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add b/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7ac026 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +unnamedplus +updatetime +menuone +noselect +noinsert +kalle +utils +colorscheme +config +carbonfox +lua +github +nvim diff --git a/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl b/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1594770 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl differ